Monday, November 17, 2008

A Week in review

Ahhh yet another week has passed. I can't believe how rapidly christmas is approaching and it isn't even thanksgiving yet. Sunday was a sad day because G.G. went home. The girls love having family over and they are always sad when our time together ends. We are all so excited about leaving for CA next week to spend thanksgiving with both sides of the family!!! We spent Monday getting into the thanksgiving spirit by making a calendar with our friends. It was so cute. Makenzie is quite the artist and made her flowers a beautiful color. Madison used her hand to make a turkey (figures her would be food related LOL). Madison did not want to do the art project. She was so busy playing and eating snacks, but as soon as I covered her hand in paint she was all set to go.

While I was there I got the best idea for makenzie's art projects that she makes in school (there is SOOO many). I am going to scan them all in and make a photobook out of them. Of course, I will save a few of the originals too. The rest of the week was kind of a drag because we all seemed to get sick. Always get sick right before we go to CA. I cannot even tell you how many times we have had to drive to CA with makenzie throwing up the entire way. So, it was no surprise that makenzie threw up today. Luckily, this stomach bug should pass before we make our trip this time. It is no fun traveling 6 hours with sick kids and a stressed out husband (although he will be stressed and yelling the whole way anyway, sick or not). Cannot wait for next week-- we miss our families and we are so looking forward to spending most of the week with them.

On a side note: I am finishing this blog on Friday even though i started it on Mon. so I am not a complete crack-up! hahahaha

1 comment:

Jill Carilli said...

Looks like the girls had fun being creative. Have a good Thanksgiving in CA!