Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gilbert Days Parade

Yesterday Makenzie was honored to be in the Gilbert Days parade. She rode on her school's float (Christ greenfield lutheran preschool). Unfortunately I was not able to be there, but she rode with G.G. and daddy, sister, papa- ona and Margaret were there to see her. She was so cute and was so excited to wave to everybody. Even after all of the other kids had stopped waving my little cutie pie kept waving all the way to the end. G.G. picked out the cutest clothes for her to wear and she got so many comliments. Makenzie was extremely excited to see her teacher and ride on the float with her as well. I posted a few pictures, but am still waiting on G.G. to send me more!

1 comment:

grace said...

It was a very special day for makenzie and she handled it like a superstar. She was so adorable and everyone just loves her! I was so thankful to be able to be a part of her day and ride the float with her! Hehehe! And yes, Princess, more pics are coming soon...Love u! Mom