Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The quote on my email is very important to me and it applies to every area of my life. "Enthusiasm is Contagious. Start an epidemic." -Don Ward
I think that if you are going to commit to something you have to be enthusiastic about it. I mean if you go into a new project grudgingly and pessimistic then you are not going to get much out of it. I mean people wonder why bad crap always happens to them, but they think bad is going to happen, they give off a bad vibe, and they do not act as if they are happy doing whatever it is they are doing so of course the result is going to be negative. I try to enter life without abandon. Anything that I decide to try I look at with an optimistic attitude and treat it with an enthusiastic spirit. I truly feel that enthusiasm, like a bad cold, rubs off on everyone around you. When i used to work customer service at Kmart (over the christmas holiday-- what was I thinking???) I used to try and smile at everyone and make their day a little brighter. Oftentimes people found it hard to cuss out a checker that was smiling at them and wishing them a merry christmas. Don't get me wrong I did get the random people who were so pissed off they didn't even notice my smile until they had proceeded to bludgeon me into the ground using only their words (you know the ones that you only hear in unedited rap music) and then walk away thinking, " i ****ing hate christmas!" Anyways I have pretty much always found that flashing a smile and a few kind words can make a person's day. I strongly believe in the Butterfly effect. If I can make a difference in someone's life then maybe they will make a difference in somebody's life and so on and so on. This is the message that i want to send my girls. Be enthusiastic about life and it will rub off on others. It is a small way to make a BIG difference!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Michella. I just saw your blog listing on our mom's group page. I'll check in often!! :)