Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our trip to CA

I have a love-hate relationship with going to CA. For instance I hate the six hour drive with the kids crying and a cranky husband. it seems like no matter what time we leave we run into problems. This time was no exception. However, i would have to say that the worst part of the drive was Madison throwing up on the way back home. of course, it was in the middle of no where. not even close to a rest stop so we have to pull over on the side of the freeway, but not before she has gotten it all over her clothes, her carseat, and my clothes. Brian, being the ever helpful husband gets out as well to try and "help" the situation but instead ends up doubled over puking HIS guts out too. OMG seriously... Anyways, to make a long story short traveling with two young kids is NOT fun in my book!!! Another thing that i hate about CA is the freeways. When i lived out there I could drive any freeway no problem, but I have gotten used to AZ freeways. In CA the freeways are so dark and the speed limit is more like a starting point than a limit. Heading down the 405 I got flipped off by some guy when i was in the slow lane going 85 mph. Did I mention that this was the SLOW lane!

On to the love part... I LOVE seeing my family and friends. I miss them all so much and always enjoy spending my few days catching up with everyone and anyone. Every time we visit we always feel like we want to move back home. Unfortunately brian is locked into his job for at least another year and that would be a LONG commute. Don't get me wrong I like AZ a lot and enjoy all the friends that we have made out here. It still just does not feel like home yet!

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