Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finally an update!!!

Okay, okay I know it has been forever since I updated my blog. So many things have happened since I last updated. Probably too much to mention. We made a trip to CA at the beginning of May. Although it wasn't very eventful we did get to spend a relaxing day at the lake. The girls built castles and collected shells. It was a beautiful day and we were pretty much the only ones there. The next day we went to Uncle Boo's volleyball game and then headed to Pizza Hut with everyone. The girls always enjoy spending time with their grandparents and uncles.

Fast forward to Memorial Day. My dad came over and we had a BBQ of ribs and chicken. My dad and I took the girls swimming while Brian cooked and then we all ate and watched a movie together. it was nice to get some quality family time. The next day my mom came out from CA so she could watch the girls while i got my wisdom teeth removed. I had all four removed on Thur. I have on and off again discomfort, but the pain is pretty much gone. The girls have been doing a lot of swimming with G.G. and art projects. They have been making me "feel better" lady bugs, flowers, pictures. It is so cute!!!

Friday we spent some time in Scottsdale at my uncle's house. My two aunts, two uncles, cousin, her boyfriend, my dad, his girlfriend, my mom, and my family all got together for another BBQ. We had fun catching up and spending some time together. It has been over a year since we all got together. The girls loved playing hide-and-seek with their two great aunts and G.G.

Last night Brian and I went out to celebrate my friend Sue's birthday. We had a lot of fun and a much needed break from the every day. It is so rare that both of us can go out together. However, I forgot that I was not supposed to drink through a straw for a week and I did so my mouth hurt so much last night.


Jill Carilli said...

glad you guys had fun. bummed i missed it

The Neerings Family said...

Glad the wisdom teeth stuff isn't too horrible, I think people just like to scare you with their awful stories. Not that I would do it again, but it wasn't the worst surgery I've ever had!