Friday, May 30, 2008

To go back to work or not???

I feel like I am supposed to work now that I have gradauted (yes I finished school even with two children), but i can't entertain the thought of giving up being a stay at home mommy. I love waking up with my girls, making them breakfast, playing with them, and teaching them the things I want them to know. Who better than me is equipped to prepare my children for a life of learning, sense of morals, and give them the best head start? In short, I think that no one can do a better job than me. My husband has offered to stay home with the girls, but that makes no sense to me. I mean why would I want to go to work for the exact same lifestyle as we have now. The only way that i would even consider doing this is if we were going to be doubling our current income so we do not have to struggle as we do now. not to mention in the last three years since we have been parents he has not proven that he can handle parenting full time. Grrrr... i don't like thinking about this anymore.

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